Version 0.6.1
	* As Terry Carmen reported, Android client allows PINs with 7 
	  digits. If you want to support PINs longer than 4 digits, please
	  see README how to do. (There is no change of source code!)

Version 0.6
	* supports now secrets with up to 32 hex chars (for example for
	  iPhone client). Thanks to Cristian Seres for reporting.

Version 0.5.1
	* bug fix for crash when changing PIN via mobile otp pam module 
	  and using too long PIN. 

Version 0.5
	* compiles now on FreeBSD, too; thanks to Adrian Huryn

Version 0.4
	* Per Dalgas Jakobsen
	  added posibility to reset retries counter from account section
	  of PAM. This is useful if you have enabled normal pam_unix
	  authentication as well as pam_mobile_otp
	  (used to allow for normal password using trusted machines,
	  and OTP when using untrusted machines).
	  In this case pam_mobile_otp will increment retries counter
	  everytime a login fails, even if the password was not intended
	  for pam_mobile_otp.
	  With this patch every successful login will reset the retries

Version 0.3
	* copyright notice was missing
	* "tries" counter increased with good passcode when user 
	  was locked; thanks to Bert Haverkamp

Version 0.2
	* added more flags: maxdiff and maxtries

Version 0.1
	* first Version