# Xtradius - External configuration parameters config
# In this file you can define the param char used to substitute attributes
# before executing external scripts
# - Dictionary Attributes are case-sensitive!
# - %x is reserver for detail-log filename (Only in EXEC_PROGRAM_LOG)
# - %k is reserved for Session-id (packet serial number assigned by the NAS)
#   the %k is not the Acct-Session-Id
NAS-IP-Address	n
Framed-MTU	t
User-Name	u
Password	w
Callback-Number	c
Framed-Protocol	a
Acct-Session-Time	e
Acct-Input-Octets	i
Acct-Output-Octets	o
NAS-Port-Type	y
Acct-Status-Type	d
Connect-Info	s
Calling-Station-Id	g
Called-Station-Id	h
NAS-Port-Id	p
Framed-IP-Address	f
Secret	S
Offset	O